
Our Team

Leadership Board

Tanya Chettri


Biochemical Engineering, 3rd Year

Sonia Bhaskaran


Biomedical Engineering, 4th Year


Amanah Talabhaktula

Vice-President of Research, SLM Co-lead

Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior, 3rd Year

Siri Konanoor

Vice-President of Events, LIFT co-lead

Biomedical Engineering, 3rd Year

Rency Dhaduk

Vice-President of Internal Affairs, LIFT co-lead

Genetics & Genomics, 3rd Year

Meera Mallya

Director of Research

Cell Biology, 4th Year

Danielle Sanchez

Student Lab Manager co-lead

Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior and Communications, 3rd Year

Julian Chang

Journal Club co-lead

Biomedical Engineering, 4th Year

Liana Williams

Journal Club co-lead

Genetics & Genomics, 4th Year


Arzu Thareja

Website & Newsletter Manager

Science and Technology Studies, 1st Year


Arnav Joshi

Professional Development Chair

Biomedical Engineering, 1st Year



Student Lab Managers

Sarah Holt

Biological Sciences, 4th Year

Talia Marx

Biomedical Engineering, 3rd Year

Evelyn Kim

Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior, 2nd Year

Caleb Humphrey

Biochemistry and Chemistry, 2nd Year

Hamsa Parab

Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior, 3rd Year

Angelina Kim

Food Science, 3rd Year

Christopher Fuentes

Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior, 4th Year

Sherry (Peixin) He

Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior, 2nd Year

Lana Abujamil

Biological Sciences, 2nd Year



Vanessa Su

Biotechnology, 2nd Year




Project Leads

Caleb Humphrey

Algae to Insulin

Biochemistry and Chemistry, 2nd Year


Michelle Azuma

Algae to Insulin

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 3rd Year


Daniel Yang

Algae to Insulin

Genetics and Genomics, 2nd Year


Allison Muller

Real Vegan Cheese

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2nd Year


Kenta Hsu

Real Vegan Cheese

Systems and Synthetic Biology, 3rd Year


Veda Nayak


Biotechnology, 3rd Year

Mentors & Advisors


Dr. Marc Facciotti

Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Genome Center
Andrew Yao

Andrew Yao, M.S.

Research and Development Engineer, BioInnovation Lab Manager

Steven Lucero

Development Engineer, TEAM Lab