Mentorship Program

Mentorship Graphic
For Mentors!

Spring Quarter 2023, we launched a mentorship program in BIG to help underclassmen get involved and learn about undergraduate research. If you are an upperclassman who likes mentoring other students and would like to help build the BIG community, we encourage you to sign up! Mentors and mentees are asked to meet at one in-person event at the start of every quarter and are encouraged to continue corresponding through email, shadowing, etc. throughout the quarter as per your convenience. Topics you are encouraged to discuss with your mentee include getting into research, balancing research and classwork, careers in research, and getting involved in BIG. If you have any questions, please contact Sonia ( or Amanah ( Thank you! 

For Mentees!

Spring Quarter 2023, we launched a mentorship program in BIG to help underclassmen get involved and learn about undergraduate research. If you are an underclassman (current 1st or 2nd year) who is interested in joining the BIG community or gaining support/resources in the STEM field, we highly encourage you to sign up! If you have any questions, please contact Sonia Bhaskaran ( or Amanah Talabhaktula ( Thank you!